Nico Ducarme


Nico has just one goal: whether it's through smooth guitar solos, mellow piano melodies, or silky vocal harmonies, he wants to be himself, making soulful tunes. In every note, there's a sense of nostalgia for a time and a place one has never known.

His years spent listening to old soul records, playing blues guitar, learning jazz harmony, and producing lo-fi hip-hop beats have resulted in his own unique sound that will resonate with those who appreciate an intertwined musical universe.

His first achievement was "Ten Years Old," a smooth ballad reminiscent of old R&B love songs in which he explores his desire to return to a time when love was simpler.

This single paved the way for his debut EP, "Out of the Blue," a captivating collection of introspective thoughts on love and other things...

He is currently working on his debut album, set to be released in spring 2024.
  • Soul
  • Pop
  • Indie
  • Neo Soul
  • R'n'B
  • Brussels

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e

Concerts passés

Sneaky Lime Release Party - EP ORIGIN @La Fabriek

Sneaky Lime + Shiba + Nico Ducarme + p-h + Bello Records + Charlotte Levie

La Fabriek - Anderlecht
Live stream
Soirée de sélection #1

Dorothy Gale + FlxwR!de + Maple Paper + Nico Ducarme + Ucci Why

Belvédère - Namur
Sélection Concours Circuit 2023 #1

Ucci Why + FlxwR!de + Nico Ducarme + Maple Paper + Dorothy Gale

Belvédère - Namur
Francofolies de Spa - Bars En Folie

Nico Ducarme

Francofolies de Spa (Franc'Off) - Liège


Galerie de l'artiste


Nico has just one goal: whether it's through smooth guitar solos, mellow piano melodies, or silky vocal harmonies, he wants to be himself, making soulful tunes. In every note, there's a sense of nostalgia for a time and a place one has never known.

His years spent listening to old soul records, playing blues guitar, learning jazz harmony, and producing lo-fi hip-hop beats have resulted in his own unique sound that will resonate with those who appreciate an intertwined musical universe.

His first achievement was "Ten Years Old," a smooth ballad reminiscent of old R&B love songs in which he explores his desire to return to a time when love was simpler.

This single paved the way for his debut EP, "Out of the Blue," a captivating collection of introspective thoughts on love and other things...

He is currently working on his debut album, set to be released in spring 2024.
  • Soul
  • Pop
  • Indie
  • Neo Soul
  • R'n'B
  • Brussels

Concerts passés

Sneaky Lime Release Party - EP ORIGIN @La Fabriek

Sneaky Lime + Shiba + Nico Ducarme + p-h + Bello Records + Charlotte Levie

La Fabriek - Anderlecht
Live stream
Soirée de sélection #1

Dorothy Gale + FlxwR!de + Maple Paper + Nico Ducarme + Ucci Why

Belvédère - Namur
Sélection Concours Circuit 2023 #1

Ucci Why + FlxwR!de + Nico Ducarme + Maple Paper + Dorothy Gale

Belvédère - Namur
Francofolies de Spa - Bars En Folie

Nico Ducarme

Francofolies de Spa (Franc'Off) - Liège


Galerie de l'artiste

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e