

The Sunseekers are individuals, members of a small tribe, emerging from Blues and Rock roots, and belonging to the larger Rock'n Roll nation which was established and spread all around the world from the late 50's. Many of those were born during the cold war, which explains they were eager and looking for some ways to express their frustration about an apocalyptic world.

The Sunseekers typically spend most of their time in basements, cellars, attics or garages, surrounded with stack valve amps, drum kits, vintage guitars, fuzz boxes, overdrives and Wah pedals. As young as in their early teenage, they soon realized the power of attraction and the strong impact of electric musical instruments on the nicest girls, which explains why very few went for poetry, painting or even mathematics, but rather preferred six strings or drum sticks...

Because of the very long time spent in dark rehearsal rooms, away from the light and from the sun (hence their name Sunseekers), over time, some gained on weight, some lost their hairs, some had to wear glasses (black ones preferably), most of them lost audition, and all were subject to drinking special beverages, prepared in secret by addictive monks in lost abbeys.

In spite of all odds, those, who are surviving, are still extremely active in generating tribal noise of a heavy blues rock type, and eventually like to leave their cellars to play on Fridays or Saturday nights in bars, clubs and pubs.... This still is the only place where you may have a chance to hear and to see them and possibly share some magic malt beverage....
  • Rock
  • Blues
  • Heavy
  • Hard Rock
  • Blues-rock
  • Pop-rock
  • Garage
  • Soignies

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e

Concerts passés


Mercadillo + Sunseekers + HNTRS

Tomorrolab - Soignies


Galerie de l'artiste


The Sunseekers are individuals, members of a small tribe, emerging from Blues and Rock roots, and belonging to the larger Rock'n Roll nation which was established and spread all around the world from the late 50's. Many of those were born during the cold war, which explains they were eager and looking for some ways to express their frustration about an apocalyptic world.

The Sunseekers typically spend most of their time in basements, cellars, attics or garages, surrounded with stack valve amps, drum kits, vintage guitars, fuzz boxes, overdrives and Wah pedals. As young as in their early teenage, they soon realized the power of attraction and the strong impact of electric musical instruments on the nicest girls, which explains why very few went for poetry, painting or even mathematics, but rather preferred six strings or drum sticks...

Because of the very long time spent in dark rehearsal rooms, away from the light and from the sun (hence their name Sunseekers), over time, some gained on weight, some lost their hairs, some had to wear glasses (black ones preferably), most of them lost audition, and all were subject to drinking special beverages, prepared in secret by addictive monks in lost abbeys.

In spite of all odds, those, who are surviving, are still extremely active in generating tribal noise of a heavy blues rock type, and eventually like to leave their cellars to play on Fridays or Saturday nights in bars, clubs and pubs.... This still is the only place where you may have a chance to hear and to see them and possibly share some magic malt beverage....
  • Rock
  • Blues
  • Heavy
  • Hard Rock
  • Blues-rock
  • Pop-rock
  • Garage
  • Soignies

Concerts passés


Mercadillo + Sunseekers + HNTRS

Tomorrolab - Soignies


Galerie de l'artiste

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e